
for my sis

Monday, February 19, 2007

crisis and victory

they did it- well they got all the signatures at least. the story is a quarter of the 20000 were inavlid so they had a day to get 5000 signatures and they got 7000 signatures. amasing as it was so hard.

tutor's conference was amasing. May you were missed. I felt inspired and lovely conversations on my hectic travel back but in the plane was filled with such deep sorrow (possibly due to a lack of lunch) and then had an amasing train journey reading dawn-breakers and having an amasing conversation that was exhilarated by the time I got home.

maybe crisis and victory is too noble a title. moody might be the best desciption!


At 10:27 pm, Blogger Monday's Child said...

hehehe sounds fab ´cept for amazing is with a Z..

love you very much.. hope you had a HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY...


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