
for my sis

Monday, July 17, 2006


hehehe, blogs are funny! You find out all kinds of things.... seems like lots of people were watching toto!! heheheh

well, I had a really nice day today, apart from the stabbing pains this morn (thank goodness for feminax!!). I love the Spanish kids. They are really bright and keen. The french were unfortuantely asleep today due to a late night but I forgive them as they are quite funny.

Jena just called!! Wow! so exciting! I am going to see her Wed. I met Jena on my YOS in Brazil. Must add photos when we have a scanner.

Wow! But the big news is Maggie (nicknamed 'Maggi cube'! :-)) is married and has a girl called Delphine Constant! Wow! I was so happy to hear this great news. But I really don't know whether to laugh or cry! All my friends are getting married and having kids!!! It's kind of sad because you pretty much say bye to them as they are now living different lives altogether but at the same time I guess it's quite fun too as you get to see there kids!! ahh! I am still in shock!

mmmm... anything else... ah! I met a really nice Italian guy today. One of the group leaders. I couldn't catch his name though. Something like Falzo??? anyway, I was asking him to repeat it for me and he said it so loud the third time ( hehehe I must have hearing problems) that he spat on my face. hahahaha. I didn't want to embarass him so I remained with a blob of saliva on my cheek. hahahaha.


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