
for my sis

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Pizza Zamosti

It's the closest restaurant. very greasy pizzas but generally quite nice. I just joint Jana and Jana the two primary school teachers there. Was so nice to see Jana. :-).
I have so much work to do Vad but I am constantly on the net so take breaks to chat now and then which is quite distracting. Was really fun to talk to you the other day even if you found it hiliarious from some bizarre reason. xx

Monday, August 28, 2006


hahaha! Vad check this website out. 'www.myspace.com/drkotak' It's sooo funny. I have discovered how amasing technology is today. Had a skype conversation with Sara from Australia, an msn voice conversation with Lydia from Belgium and a video conversation with Kurosh. was sooo coool. I will get a webcam so I can show u my place.

From Copper to Gold

Dorothy was particularly vexed during the early development of the Lima community about another woman who seemed close, yet hesitated to become a part.Finally she prayed that Bahá’u’lláh would appear to her friend in a dream; then she would surely be convinced of the truth of His revelation.

The next morning there the woman stood at Dorothy’s front door, full of the news that the night before she had dreamed of Bahá’u’lláh, who had announced that He was the Promised One.

Dorothy was ecstatic, but her friend was not. ‘How’, she asked, ‘could He have done that? It was not good sportsmanship. Jesus Christ would never have tried to influence me like that I’ll never accept Bahá’u’lláh’.

Crushed, Dorothy recognised her folly. The woman never did become a Bahá’í. Dorothy decided never again to pray for anything but God’s first choice.

Dorothy Freeman (1984) The Life of Dorothy Baker; FROM COPPER TO GOLD, George Ronald: Oxford, p113.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

First day back at work

Vadiay I have internet here now! When are you on line?? I haven't seen you yet, maybe as it was a Sunday... is your computer still down? Anyway I am so excited about having internet, makes it less of a prison being here.
I moved flat. I hope you visit me. Will you come to England to visit? Do you want to attend Changing Times?
My flat i sooo cute by the way. I have a camera but I don't know how to put the photos on the computer ... I think I have to buy a USB adaptor for it. Do you have skype Vad on your computer? I should send you an email but not sure of your address.... lots of love V

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ramez's Kebabs

have to tell you about a wonderful week at Cranmore. really amasing and I have photos to add but for now,will just let you know that I fly out tomorrow for Czech and I had the loveliest day with May, Noor and Naim who visited me after Cranmore (May and I went swimming in the evening! was soo cool!) and when we went to Swindon, Ramez had prepared kebab for us. it was just the nicest goodbye gift ever! I nearly cried when saying goodbye to May though as I won't see for ages as she is doing her YOS in India although it has just occured to me that we will probably stay in touch via blogs and msn!!
Vad, love u lots but must go and spend time with Mum and Dad.

Monday, August 14, 2006


I just chatted to Nasime!! and although I mentionned Nasime in my first post, I haven't introduced you properly to her.... Nasime was just an absolute gem.. I don't know how I would have survived my first year at Townshend without her... she is from Samoa and had been at Townshend for nearly a couple of years when I arrived... I spent loads of time with her... she was/ is like a sis! She lived down the road.. a couple of houses away.. we both had the attic flats and we were always around at eachothers.... I hope I'll get to visit her in Samoa.

Visit to Taunton... last Friday

Was so great to see these beautiful people...

Book 2 and 4 at Cranmore

There was Will, Sinna and Adib doing Book 4 and Gillie, Alex, Nadeem and myself doing Book 2... below you can see Book 4 being very studious and Book 2 on a break...

I have never studied a book so intensively...(Book 2 in three days)... or attempted to memorise so many quotes... on a less spiritual note... GO AWAY and at 'the end of a country lane' were expressions drummed in my head this last week... GO AWAY ADIB!

Visit to Portishead- last Sunday...

Visited Aarthi in Portishead... Rose joined us and we met up with some of Aarthi's friends... this random guy called Charles we met in the Lake Park who was a professional photographer took this photo of us... I saw Anisa in the eve which was brilliant as had been ages since I saw her.. she is now a professional dentist.. wowee! :-)

p.s. I soon realised that was sitting on an Ants' hill... very unpleasant.. having ants in your pants!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

A week ago... last Saturday

this is a slightly delayed post.... before I went to Cranmore Tower... I said goodbye to the Spanish students... Lydia was with me and we used a story from "Walking the Straight Path"... it worked really well.... and we gave them each the quote...

...Let your heart burn with loving-kindness for all who may cross your path...

the Kingdom of Abhá

Today the confirmations of the Kingdom of Abhá are with those who renounce themselves, forget their own opinions, cast aside personalities and are thinking of the welfare of others. Whosoever has lost himself has found the universe and the inhabitants thereof. Whosoever is occupied with himself is wandering in the desert of heedlessness and regret. The "master-key" to self-mastery is self-forgetting. The road to the palace of life is through the path of renunciation.


Wow! I just had a wonderful week at Cranmore. Book 5 is really amasing. There were wonderful people: Lydia, Helena, Nina, Elena, Juliet, Jan, Christine, Anupam, Danielle, Franseca, Claire, Mahsa, Sophie, Simone, Lara..... so many talented people: singers, drummers, ... there was lots of music and laughter and we were accompanied by two dogs and a 2 year old. I will insert a photo of Abhar... he entertained me quite a bit during the study circle. Farhad was great as ever asking people what they had learnt from their various experiences and calling people Zebedee. I have been inspired to learn African drumming too! We had several people from Belgium which was great fun.

We learnt to sing the following passage:

When the fire of love is ablaze, it burneth to ashes the harvest of reason. Be thou so steadfast in My love that thine heart shall not waver, even if the swords of the enemies rain blows upon thee and all the heavens and the earth arise against thee.