
for my sis

Monday, February 19, 2007

crisis and victory

they did it- well they got all the signatures at least. the story is a quarter of the 20000 were inavlid so they had a day to get 5000 signatures and they got 7000 signatures. amasing as it was so hard.

tutor's conference was amasing. May you were missed. I felt inspired and lovely conversations on my hectic travel back but in the plane was filled with such deep sorrow (possibly due to a lack of lunch) and then had an amasing train journey reading dawn-breakers and having an amasing conversation that was exhilarated by the time I got home.

maybe crisis and victory is too noble a title. moody might be the best desciption!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Bratislava, Slovakia

well, I can now add Slovakia to my list of visited countries however brief and traumatic it might have been.
after a 7 hour journey Ceske Budejovice- Bratislava was recieved by a lovely Bahai family on the Friday night
then spent most of Saturday standing round random corners of Bratislave trying to collect as many signatures as possible from Slovaks supporting the official recognition of the Baha'i Faith in Slovakia. arggggggghhhhhhhhhh! this was soooo hard.
haha! the guys ( as in Townshend students) were soo cool, jumping in front of everyone and sweet talking them and I was incredibly reserved, whispering to the people who passed me by. haha.
i was so tired in the end that I just stood there like an idiot smiling at anyone who passed me and at least 5 people just walked up to me and practically asked to sign!
anyways, it was quite an experience. I have contributed my 1/1000 to the project (i.e. 20 signatures out the necessary 20 000). They still need lots of help as they need 8000 signatures by Friday.
hope it all works out. there were youth from Austria, Luxemburg, Germany, Italy assisting. was pretty neat!