
for my sis

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Leaving on a jet plane... (well, Ryan air)

Naim just stayed for the weekend. and Noor will be leaving too. we go together to England this Saturday which is pretty neat. Mum and Dad will pick us up from the airport which is nice (proof: they really do love me! hehe).
aw! but it's sad also because it has been so nice having Noor here! really really great company. although I have stayed up way too late a couple of nights watching the Sound of Music! hehe. we both love the film and wake up with the songs in our head. " the hills are aliiiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvve with the sound of muuuuuuuusiiiiiiiic, lalalala laaaa.."

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Noor in African pants!

Saturday, October 21, 2006


I sooo wish I had my camera with me today. had such a lovely day today. Naim is visting for the weekend and Noor for the week. (have mentionned them previously to u). and I had such a nice day. We went to IGY- main shopping mall in town. had pizza. had tea. and then came back on the train. we got into a cabin with a drummer and had a drumming session on our short journey. was so nice. then the Police came and most of us didn't have ID. You have to carry your passport around with u all the time which is soo annoying but I got away with my driving license. love u lots Vad. xx

Evening celebration: Birthday of THE BAB

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Saturday afternoon at TIS

Payamjoon and grade 8/9 camp

Payam is a really great guy. I spent some time with him yesterday eve. We ate pizza. had a big discussion about America-Israel-Lebanon. and revised a bit of civics. This morning, just had a lovely LSA and wondering whether to be lazy or not for the rest of the afternoon. My body is aching from the camp just went on with grade 8 and 9. never cycled so much in my life!! :-).